Special lecture by prof. Jorge Solis will be hold at Tokyo Institute of Technology as following. This special lecture is organized by Super-Mechano-System Innovation and Development Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology and approved by Jc-IFToMM. Date 11月12日(水) 17:30-18:30 Place R325, Ishikawadai 6 bldg, TokyoTech Lecturer Prof. Jorge SolisMEMBERSHIPSThe Robotics Society of Japan; IEEE; ASME; The Mexican Society on…
Month: November 2014
Deadline extension of IFToMM world congress
Deadline of IFToMM world congress has been extended till Feg. 10. Detail can be found in here.
Call for papers: ISRM2015
Call for papers of ISRM 2015 has been announced. The conference will be held on 23-25 Jun 2015 in Poitiers (France). Please visit http://isrm2015.sciencesconf.org/ for more details on The 4th IFTOMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics.